Here you may find SAC-O distributors and some shops with our goodies: Esta página en ESPAÑOL

Distributors - if you don't find our books, please ask your area distributor (they are charming and very efficient) and tell us so we can also call them and check.

In Spain our distributors are:

  • for Madrid, Toledo, Ciudad Real, Cuenca y Guadalajara Antonio Machado Libros - (+34) 916 324 893, Fax (+34) 916 326 513,
  • for Cataluña y Baleares - Les Punxes Distribuidora - Tel. (+34) 934 856 380, Fax (+34) 933 009 091
  • for Valladolid, Palencia, Ávila, Segovia, Zamora y Salamanca - Babel Libros - Tel. (+34) 983 209 773, Fax (+34) 983 203 349,
  • for Burgos y La Rioja - Utopos Libros - Tel. (+34) 947 480 643, Fax (+34) 947 481 243,
  • for Galicia - Alonso Libros - Tel. (+34) 981 588 600, Fax (+34) 981 589 111,
  • for Asturias, León y Santander - Norte Distribución y Promoción - (+34) 985 308 771, Fax (+34) 985 308 772,
  • for Vizcaya, Álava, Guipúzcoa y Navarra - UNBE -
  • for Zaragoza, Huesca, Teruel, Soria, Ribera del Ebro - Icaro Distribución - Tel. (34) 976 126 333, Fax (+34) 976 126 493,
  • for Valencia y Castellón - GEA Llibres - Tel. (34) 961 665 256, Fax (+34) 961 665 249,
  • for Alicante, Murcia y Albacete - La Tierra Libros - Tel. (+34) 965 110 192, Fax (+34) 965 115 182,
  • for Málaga, Granada, Jaén, Almería y Melilla - Lapiladelibros - Tel. (+34) 902 131 014, Fax (+34) 902 153 933,
  • for Sevilla, Cádiz, Huelva, Córdoba, Ceuta, Badajoz y Cáceres - E/A Libros - Tel. (34) 954 475 550, Fax (+34) 954 475 551,
  • for the Canary Islands - Troquel - Tel. (+34) 928 621 779, Fax (+34) 928 621 781,


Shops: if you are selling our books and you want your shop to appear in this page, please send your data with a picture to In this section we will be showing shops with which we have a closer relationship, most of them very much focused in children and education. Top

El Dragón Lector - La Biblioketa - El Corte Inglés -
La Mar de Letras - Kirikú y la bruja -

Pantha Rei -

Crisol -

La Librería Pedagógica - Dideco-Ferán - FNAC -
